Saturday, April 8, 2017

Strengths-Based Leadership

Can you imagine asking your staff at the end of the school year, "If you could describe your dream position next year, what would it be?" What would response would you get? What could you learn? How would people feel about being asked? What would you do with the information you learn?

I have a few ideas...

  • You would go a long way to build relationships with your staff just be showing interest in what they think and how they feel;
  • You would be able to personalize PD for your staff by searching out resources that could help them grow in their areas of interest;
  • You would help staff reflect on their practice and lead them to a focus area for the year;
  • You could provide support that would help and encourage them to pursue a goal;
  • You might make staff adjustments to help people do what they want to do;
  • You might develop new courses of study, clubs, or PLCs based on interests.
One thing about which I am sure is this: if you ask staff to share their passions and goals and you work to help them engage in those passions and reach those goals, you will have a staff that is invested in their school and willing to go above and beyond the call of duty.

1 comment:

  1. I love these ideas of what you might learn from that question! I would bet they are all true. I like the idea, too, that asking that teachers about their dream job would require them to reflect and might help them to develop a focus or a goal for the year. I guess I shouldn't wait for my administrator to ask me.....I should ask myself. The answer might surprise me.
