Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I #loveteaching

     I #loveteaching because of the impact I get to make on our future. I believe all children come to kindergarten with enthusiasm, joy, and wonder about the world, even students whose traumatic lives make it difficult to express it. Teachers have the opportunity to further foster those traits in their students each and every day of each and every school year. Students who learn from these teachers will be creative, kind, and positive learners who will grow up to create the kind of world in which we all want to live. To be clear, when I say teachers, I mean to include all educators-principals, counselors, specialists, interventionists, para-educators-ALL educators. There are so few professions that get to say they play such an important role in the lives of others as well as the future of our society and the world.
     Don't get me wrong. What I'm talking about here is not easy. Teachers must juggle the restraints, demands, and requirements of their jobs with creating a culture of safety, acceptance, and challenge in their classrooms and schools. This can sometimes feel like an impossible task. However this is where every teacher can make a choice to persevere in the work they know is so critical despite the demands of their jobs. The key word here is choice.
     Teachers can choose to build relationships, to work hard, to respect all families, to improve their teaching, to challenge students where they are, to recognize all staff as playing essential roles, to enjoy teaching, and to be all in for education. I know I've made these choices, and it has paid off in the learning I see every day.

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