Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I'm a Believer!

In chapter one of Katie Martin's new book, Learner Centered Innovation, the author presents a graphic depicting "The Evolving Role of the Educator." Of course this role is multi-faceted and represents a Co-Designer of Powerful Learning, Partner in Learning, Community Developer, and Connector & Activator. To this list of descriptors, I might add: Believer.

Today's educator must be fueled by the belief that we can do better for our students. This belief will motivate us to persevere past the challenges and constraints to innovation that the structure of school often presents. There are some important ways educators can hold on to this belief that have worked for me as I have evolved.

Take Opportunities
When an opportunity for learning presents itself, take hold. For me, an opportunity came up several years into teaching 5th grade in a small elementary school in northwest Connecticut. The Head Teacher retired, and we needed someone to step up. Even though I was worried about the work and responsibility I was taking on in addition to the large job of being the only 5th grade teacher in a K-5 setting, I knew I had something to offer my school community. I took it on with a colleague in a different grade, and we learned a lot and gained valuable experience in our leadership roles. This change led to more opportunities as a Tech Champion, a Lead Teacher in a new district, and now to Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Innovation in an even different district.

Develop a Personal Learning Network
Reach out to your colleagues close by and also your colleagues far away. Social media has given us access to the expertise and experience that abounds among educators. For me, when I became a Tech Champion for my school, one of the first professional development opportunities that was offered was a trip to FETC. I cannot describe the world that opened up for me as I moved from session to session, listening to and learning from THE experts in the field of technology in education. My students were about to go one-to-one with Chromebooks, and I came back from Orlando ready to start. While at FETC, I joined Twitter at the recommendation of one of the presenters. I quickly found educators to follow and Twitter chats to join. When you find your people, the learning and motivation never end.

Be A Leader
Trust your ideas. Share them with your colleagues near and far. For me, as I stepped into leadership roles, I had the chance to impact the structure of school in new and exciting ways. I could plan professional development, suggest changes to the schedule, introduce new courses for students, examine homework practices, survey staff, students, and parents on school climate and then do something about the results. All of this took courage. I trusted myself to do what was right for students, ALWAYS. I made decisions and recommendations based on that value. More importantly, I believed we could do better for our students in school.

The opportunities that opened up for me, the PLN that I created, and the risks I took as a leader were all fueled by that belief.